Research Highlights
(See Google Scholar a full list of papers)




Causal abstraction for faithful model interpretation
Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Thomas Icard
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Finding alignments between interpretable causal variables and distributed neural representations
Atticus Geiger*, Zhengxuan Wu*, Christopher Potts, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman
CLeaR 2024
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CEBaB: Estimating the causal effects of real-world concepts on NLP model behavior
Eldar D Abraham, Karel D'Oosterlinck, Amir Feder, Yair Gat, Atticus Geiger, Christopher Potts, Roi Reichart, Zhengxuan Wu
NeurIPS 2022
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Inducing Causal Structure for Interpretable Neural Network
Atticus Geiger*, Zhengxuan Wu*, Hanson Lu*, Josh Rozner, Elisa Kreiss, Thomas Icard, Noah D. Goodman, Christopher Potts
ICML 2022
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Causal Abstractions of Neural Networks
Atticus Geiger*, Hanson Lu*, Thomas Icard, Christopher Potts
NeurIPS 2021
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Neural natural language inference models partially embed theories of lexical entailment and negation
Atticus Geiger, Kyle Richardson, Christopher Potts
BlackBoxNLP 2020
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Posing fair generalization tasks for natural language inference
Atticus Geiger, Ignacio Cases, Lauri Karttunen, Chris Potts
EMNLP 2019
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